The On-Campus Interviews (OCI) are here! Though they may not be exactly “on-campus” considering that they will be conducted virtually, but the name does stick on. These are interviews which are conducted by employers to recruit for 1L and 2L summer positions. In these interviews, you have 17 minutes (give or take) to meet with members from a firm and make an impression on them. Wondering how to ace these speed interview situations? Read on!
- Research the firm or organisation: You really need to know why you are applying to each firm/organisation. Understand the kind of work done by the firm and where you fit into the practice. If you interest lies solely in the corporate sphere, it would be impractical to apply to a litigation boutique. Go beyond the firm website (but never overlook it) and try connecting with alumni from your school at the firm. They would be able to tell you more about the firm, its practice, and its work culture.
- Review frequently asked questions (FAQs) beforehand: Though every interviewer may not ask the same questions, some general themes do transcend from one interview to the other. These could be explaining your interest in a firm or in a practice area. Further, it could be cues the interviewer picks up from your resume or cover letter. Know these two well so that you can field any question on those like a pro!
- Use the STAR method: The STAR method is an interview technique that gives you a straightforward format you can use to tell a story by laying out the Situation, Task, Action, and R Using the STAR technique, it is easier to share a focused answer to questions which tend to start with the phrase “tell me about a time when…”. Try thinking of answers and formulating a STAR based answering approach and practice these answers in front of a mirror or with friends and family.
- Ask Questions: The OCI process is not just for the firm to get to know the wonderful professional and person you are. It is also for you to get to know the firm! Be prepared for the interviewer to prompt you to ask questions. And, be prepared with these questions. Consider focussing on what is important to you and use this time to assess whether the firm aligns with your values and ideals and whether the firm would be a good fit for you.
Also, remember to be relaxed! Do not let your nerves overwhelm your personality, nervousness is very evident and don’t let that be the only thing the interviewer notices about you. Think of the OCIs as more of a social conversation than a formal job interview and I am sure that would help you to calm down.
Finally, remember that the OCIs are not the “end all” as they are hyped to be. Successful or not, it is not determinative of your career and future success as a lawyer. Plenty of firms and organisations hire outside the formal recruit, throughout the year. Understandably, rejection is a tough pill to swallow – but remember each closed door means another one (or, five) have opened somewhere else. All the best!
– By Prithviraj Oberoi